Blogger note: If this does not turn the tide ....Nothing will.
With transcript .see below
also I Found that online of FB
that was for everybody who couldn't get a photo when I was here in the front so I'm going to post that and I consider that a selfie tag yourselves go nuts you're ready to strap in for a minute I may go over so hopefully you'll bear with me give me some Grace I'm not him I'm not the real Jesus let's just get that out of the way Jim cavieza movie Jesus TV Jesus God is real and he is completely in love with each and every one of you how do I know this is it simply because is the lens through which I view the is it because of the Miracles that I have experienced in my own life and seen with my own eyes for which my faith has been the catalyst God is real and he is completely in love because you are all here today life has triumphed in an extraordinary and the light of the world who is Jesus Christ the author of life has burned so very brightly within each and every one of you irrespective of compelling you forward for one reason or another to stand together today and fight the noblest and worthiest cause which is to allow The Unborn the right and defeat those Earthly forces that wish to destroy the very evidence of you have chosen to journey to our nation's capital today not only to mourn the 64 million children lost through abortion over the last 50 years but to Champion those yet to be born on the road to their own birth made in the image of the Creator himself and to testify to the miraculous as expressed in the Divine poetry of Psalm 139 for you formed my inward Parts you knitted me together in my mother's I praise you for I am fearfully and my soul knows it very well my frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret intricately woven in the you saw my eyes unformed you saw your eyes saw my unformed substance in your book were written every one of them the days that were formed for me when as yet having lived under a grim cloud of for the last 50 years the world has once a glimmer of hope and I pray that with this recent step in protecting life despite the Grievous nature of what that God might still look upon us in his and see the hearts of those of us here in support of Life today and say to us but it is far from finished Newton's law of motion says that every action has an equal and opposite this also applies to the spiritual Realm having played the Son of God for the last three seasons on a television show you may have heard of called The Chosen I've spent a lot of time dwelling in the through prayer meditation and the let me tell you it changes you from the inside out and that's a good but it can be scary because you see you begin to see the truth manifest itself in all areas of your life like a veil that has been lifted and you can't unsee what you have seen God begins to give you glimpses of more inviting you to journey to go deeper and I'm not talking about the simplistic cartoon of some dude with horns and a I'm talking about the father of Lies The Great Deceiver the Diabolical slanderer who pushes you to doubt when you know in your heart the right thing to do and he is not a given about to give up this fight either in fact he's doubling down because guess what his time is so he's throwing everything that he has at the world and all of us in it and countless are being deceived as a he wants your and my destruction he wants us to believe that abortion does not harm us individually and as a I beg of you pray for those who do not have the faith the strength the clarity of purpose that you hear do people ask me how do you try to emulate Jesus in your own life when playing him loving my enemies praying for those who persecute me and those who may protest is the first place that I have to start but remember my dear friends we know how he won and Christ reminds us that he is with us until the end of the age and that said we need to take a quick glance into the mirror of culture which communicates a few concerns about where we are as a society that I'd like to propose a couple of thoughts about for your consideration if I may I want to speak particularly to those of you here that identify with give it up for Gen Z and Jen Alpha you are in your formative years when you have the power to change Culture by impacting the culture through the raising of your powerful and voting with your conscience and your for some time now we have been witnesses to a mounting polarity between light and we've seen it manifest itself in many but I would like to address it as I see it as an artist in the entertainment in the last several years there's been a sharp and disturbing increase in the darkness of the imagery being used in film television and music the landscape has become increasingly even demonic in tone more so than in storylines involving the occult witchcraft demons and even satanic elements are commonplace in mainstream many feature spiritually and psychologically disturbing content and before you jump on we know I'm not specifically referencing a certainly though a few folks might disagree but I'm referring to the media which is even and I don't need to name names you know the youngest of us and the most vulnerable as well as those who are not grounded in a solid faith in God are susceptible to the influences of these media has become a portal to behavior and attitudes kids want to emulate that reject God reject the light and reject ultimately all those aspects of community which give life God subtly but radically being removed from public popular culture over the replaced with some of the most corruptive images and ideologies for and any of us who profess any kind of Faith are branded as fundamental or condemned for their beliefs with the assertions of the religiosity of a this is completely contrary to what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ and follow his teachings if only the rest of the world actually took the time to explore what it means to follow Jesus's heart yes there are always individual exceptions unfortunately but for the gives way to life not death they say we live in a post-christian change the culture by impacting the Embrace that which is bigger than you he who gave you Abundant Life and he who has called you by name mute the noise of the popular and embrace the counterculture of Christ's love and the message he offers you the road is wide which leads to destruction so enter through the narrow gate my dear for therein lies the kingdom of heaven social media sites Rife with images of hypersexuality predominantly young women who are some of them who are major influencers give the youngest of our digitally consuming generation the impression that that is how you're supposed to look that this is how you're supposed to think and feel and act to get what you want to get who you want to be what you're supposed to be as if some fantasy of aesthetic Perfection is the road to happiness it is not your imperfections were perfectly designed by God in heaven as if by objectifying yourself you will somehow be empowered that is an empty lie of the enemy the only way to empower is to believe in the greatness of who you are flaws and all the gifts you bring into this world that God freely the uniqueness of your precious life and to share them with one another that is your legacy that is your power that is who you are meant to be and that is how you will change the world do not let mainstream media's shallow depictions of sexuality and sexual irresponsibility deceive you into thinking that such an approach to love and relationships is without and this is part of the systemic issue that brings us here today I know how difficult difficult it can be choose life in a culture that celebrates you know standing here saying these neither the obvious career choice nor an because I've never set foot in this and I'm a better man for it a few years ago I made a commitment to follow the promptings of the spirit and I stand by and it's why I'm here today but I'll leave you with a few final we are under an assault on our sense of we're enduring an affront to the innate Holiness we are all imbued with and and an attack on the family structure and the sacredness of the gift of life but as ones created in the image and likeness of God who is himself love we are charged to be the standard bearers who defend and preserve the Dignity of every human but especially the most which begins with the initial stages of and continues throughout the entire cycle from conception through that phase we all aim to enter into our golden followed by the final stages of our nannies and pop pops every one of us if how can you make a difference number one Saint Padre Pio said the greatest weapon against the devil we have is the Rosary see for yourself I don't need to sell it God doesn't meet me to sell anything secondly examine and expose the areas of darkness in your world in your community in your in immediate society that need your light and bring it everywhere you Raise Your Voice vote with your resources Financial spiritual and my commitment to impacting the culture as an artist is to pray I get to continue participating in telling stories like the Chosen and my upcoming film Jesus Revolution that shine a light on the struggles and successes of The Human Condition stories that uphold human dignity and reveal God's truth an infinite love for his people despite our and we are also very beautifully flawed perhaps myself most of all he has lived as one of us and that brings us into communion with by honoring the life that God Gave You by bringing your gifts to the world with you will be creating an environment of Holiness which the most impressionable in our society will draw their examples and to help rewire the attitudes of society's Collective Consciousness steering it back towards the preservation and value of life restoring respect for Faith and true religious tolerance and healing some of our beloved Nations wounds in the process while hopefully planting us more deeply within God's grace it's been an honor to be with you here thank you for inviting me God bless you
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