Sunday, August 7, 2022

Pro-Life Movement Under Justin Trudeau's personal Assault team

 Blogers Note: 

 Pro-Life Movement Under Justin Trudeau's  personal  Assault team.


Ottawa, Ontario                               July 25, 2022

Pro-Life Movement Under Assault

As part of their 2021 Liberal election platform, Forward. For Everyone. (page 4), Canada’s Liberal Party included a “promise” to:

No longer provide charity status to anti-abortion organizations (for example, Crisis Pregnancy Centres) that provide dishonest counselling to women about their rights and about the options available to them at all stages of the pregnancy.

The platform did not elaborate as to what constitutes “dishonest counselling”, anymore than it did in identifying what constitutes “anti-abortion organizations”, women’s “rights” or “options available”. Could this policy include religious groups such as the Roman Catholic Church or Evangelical Churches which are also “anti-abortion”? If the Liberal party can pass legislation prohibiting religious leaders and religious based counsellors from counselling on sexual orientation and transgenderism (conversion therapy), why not also on abortion?

According to documents obtained under the Access to Information Act, dated September 10, 2021 a “compliance consideration” was made to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requesting a review of the charitable status of pro-life groups. The CRA is governed by both legislation (Income Tax Act) and the common law (in which “charity” is defined) with respect to charitable activity. The CRA correctly pointed out to the Liberals that it audits charities for fraud, i.e. determines whether they are acting outside their mandates, and that to date, have found no evidence of misbehaviour that would cause a pro-life pregnancy support centre to lose its charitable status. The CRA further advised the government that it did not have the authority to look to the philosophy behind the organizations it was auditing.
Further documents obtained under the Access to Information Act indicate that in November 2021 secret meetings had been held in the Departments of Health and Finance, with individuals holding “secret clearances only” status to determine how the Liberal’s platform on abortion would be implemented.

How the Removal of Tax-exempt Status Affects Charities

Unless one is an accountant or lawyer practicing in the area of charity law, most people would think that the loss of “charitable status” simply means that the organization can no longer give receipts to donors for tax purposes. That is only one consequence, and by no means the least. Revocation of charitable status means that the organization must be wound-up (i.e. closed down) so that its legal existence is ended. It means its property must be transferred to another registered charity, or the agency must pay a Revocation Tax.  The Revocation Tax rate is equal to 100% of the value of all remaining assets once outstanding debts have been paid. Clearly, revocation of charitable status is about more than just losing the ability to issue tax receipts for income tax purposes. The effects of revocation would in most cases lead to the closure of pregnancy support centres and deprive women and their unborn child a viable alternative to abortion. It would force current centres to rebuild/reopen as non-profits (but without any of the tax breaks give to a registered charity) in order to carry on their valuable and lifesaving work. All this, of course, will impose addition financial burdens as these groups re-organize and rebuild.

Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland

In the aftermath of the Trudeau Liberals’ charity revocation plans, it is important to note that petitions have been circulated against it. In response to one such petition, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, also a board member of the controversial World Economic Forum (WEF) stated:

“Registered charities that provide reproductive health services are required to provide ACCURATE, JUDGEMENT FREE and EVIDENCE-BASED information to women with respect to their rights and options at all stages of their pregnancy.” [Capitalization in the original.] ( )

Freeland’s response is an example of the big lie and deliberate misdirection. Women entering abortion clinics are not given “judgement free” advice or information, as they are encouraged to have the abortion. There is no such thing as “judgement free” counselling from such agencies. Their support is predetermined by the fact that they are in the business of providing abortion for their own profit. Freeland is trying to claim a false moral high ground on this matter.

The Reality of the Liberal Abortion Platform

The reality is that Trudeau and his Liberal Party are trying to restrict and destroy access to information about alternatives to abortion provided by the pro-life movement and pregnancy support centres by openly attempting to eliminate their charitable status. It is the pro-life movement and pregnancy support centres however, which provide accurate, evidence-based information. They are the only ones speaking the truth and providing compassionate assistance.

The 2022 Fall Budget

The Fall budget is looming once Parliament reconvenes in September. By then, the Liberals will have had a year to plan their amendments to the Income Tax Act to give effect to their unconstitutional, ideological attack on women and unborn children.

It seems that the Liberal party is no longer recognizable as a “liberal” party. It has degenerated into a socialist woke collective. The Liberals have corrupted our country.

What Must Be Done

·     It is critical that you immediately contact your Member of Parliament (regardless of party) and the Senators about this despicable attempt by the Trudeau government to silence the pro-life voice in Canada.
·     It is urgent that this “Alert” be sent to your acquaintances – family, friends and neighbours – who should be made aware of this incomparable danger to the pro-life movement.
·     Please also write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about this matter. It will widen the circle of knowledge about this disgraceful policy.  
For Family and Life
REAL Women of Canada


here is Justin attending a pro life parliamentary caucus meeting (PPLC) 2010

Majority of Canadians support abortion access, but less so for younger a...

 Bloggers note: After 10 years of Justin TRUDEAUs extreme propaganda and over 1 Billion of funding to pro abortion groups nationally and internationally the numbers are Justin wants to withdraw and shut down all Canadian pregnancy help (charitable organization) that do not pass his pro abortion test other words this is an attempt to EXPROPRIATE Pregnancy help centers ELIMINATE all help for women and confiscate their assets  see REAL WOMEN REPORT here:

 2,166 views Jul 29, 2022

A majority of Canadians, or 56 per cent, believe women should be allowed to have an abortion whenever they want, according to an Ipsos poll done exclusively for Global News. That’s an increase of 13 per cent from an Ipsos poll done in 2010 asking the same question. However, although support for abortion access has increased over the last decade in Canada, it wavers for younger age groups, the survey finds. Sanyam Sethi, vice-president of public affairs at Ipsos Canada, said this is one of a handful of “very rare issues where older generations are more liberal.” “This is the generation that probably saw first-hand the battles of what happens when abortions are performed in unsafe, unhygienic conditions; when they are illegal,” Sethi said, explaining the greater support among older Canadians. Compared with the 63 per cent of Canadians 55 and older who believe people should be permitted to have an abortion whenever they want, only 50 per cent of those age 18 to 34 believe the same. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: #abortionrights #GlobalNews


exclusively for Global News 56 of
Canadians believe women should be
allowed abortions whenever they want
that's up 13 percentage points since
polling done in 2010 just 11 percent
believe abortions should not be
permitted under any circumstances unless
the mother's life is in danger that
figure is down 10 points since 2010 just
one in four respondents want to reopen
the abortion debate in Canada this this
is not a new debate at all yes it's it's
come to the Limelight because of Roe
vived recently but it's it's not a new
debate it was
decriminalized in 1988 in Canada and
since then you know it's it's
been spoken about on and off last uh
ipsos polled the First Time episodes
pulled about this issue was in 2010 when
you know we were in the middle of G8 and
G20 Summits and if I compare the results
from 2010 versus the results of today we
see that Canadians have become firmer in
their beliefs pro-choice we see a 13
Point increase in that unconditional
support towards a woman's right to
choice so there are several issues where
we have divisions on gender lines but
this is not one of them both men and
women in Canada are equally in support
of women's right to choose to abort a
conception if she was wishes to there is
a slight difference 57 women feel so 55
men feel so but really statistically
speaking it's in the same ballpark it is
pretty consistent in in my two decades
of being a social researcher I can tell
you that this is one of a very rare
issues where older Generations are more
liberal those who are 55 plus have a
much higher support 13 points higher up
than our youngest age groups and
why is a very very interesting aspect
here and I'd argue that the oldest
generation is the one that is closest to
the battles of the past this is the
generation that saw all of that
and this is the generation that probably
saw firsthand the Petals of
what happens when you know abortions are
performed in uh can abortions are
performed in unsafe unhygienic
conditions when they are illegal you
know the petals and the impact on
maternal mortality rates
so I'd argue that this is the generation
who's seen it who's closest to this
battle and that is why uh they share
this sentiment and their closest to you
know supporting uh the right to choice
it's it's not limited to uh older
Generations in Canada it we see that in
our Global polls we conducted uh the
study in 27 countries and the global
average uh in age says that this trend
is um you know it gets upheld even in



The Case Against Contraception

The Case Against Contraception: Contraception is very much in Church news again, so it is pivotal that we know why the Church has always prohibited artificial contraception.


In 2017, the CDC reported that roughly 65 percent of women in America between the ages of 15-49 were taking some form of birth control. 

The Guttmacher Institute notes that the average number of children that most American adults would like to have is 2.7. “To achieve this family size,” the institute continues, “a sexually active woman must use contraceptives for roughly three decades.” 

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Guttmacher states that 88 percent of women who were not seeking a pregnancy but who were sexually active were using a contraceptive method; in addition, 99 percent of women who claimed to be religious had used contraception in the past (including mainline Catholics and Protestants). 

In a 2019 data booklet, the United Nations showed that only 10 percent of women (worldwide) who are of reproductive age (15-49 years old) and are avoiding pregnancy do not use any form of contraception. 

All of this data is important. It highlights that the use of contraception is commonplace. When percentages are so high and far spread, that could imply that the morality of such an act is settled. Contraception must be viewed as a good thing, a healthy habit, since so many women choose to use it. There is reason to investigate contraception again because of recent headlines from the Vatican. 

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Catholics have heard the news regarding The Pontifical Academy for Life’s latest book discussing contraception and artificial insemination. This is a work issued by the Vatican Publishing House, which brings fear to some that Pope Francis is possibly wavering on issues that were settled decades ago. 

Recently, Pope Francis commented directly on the work, noting that “You cannot do theology with a ‘no’ in front of it…the magisterium will be the one to say no.” Contraception is very much in Church news, so it is pivotal that we know the situation and why the Church has always prohibited artificial contraception.

The pontifical academy’s president, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, wrote an introduction to the work that is available in English. He noted that the project’s intention was to “introduce a paradigm shift.” A paradigm shift would imply a change of thinking on something that was already settled. 

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The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2370) calls contraception “intrinsically evil.” It notes that such acts have a “contradictory language” for the sexual act, which is meant to be personified by “personal totality.” Let’s state the obvious: the Church is against a practice that 90 percent of women partake in. 

So, let’s take a look at arguments for not using contraception because it will undoubtedly come up in conversation and we should always be ready to testify to the truth. There are many biblical passages to quote, but here we will rely on simple human understanding. We will divide the arguments as they pertain to married and unmarried couples because there is further distinction needed for its use for unmarried couples. 

When individuals who are not married engage in the sexual embrace, they lie to themselves concerning the love they are attempting to show. Even when not using contraception, they give themselves physically to another person while refusing to vow their future to the other. 

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Love requires totality. Since the sexual act is the most profound physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological way to be united with another, it is reserved for permanent relationships of loving commitment. Not to mention the fact that sex produces new life and that every child deserves to have a father and mother to raise them. Marriage ensures this structure of love and sacrifice. 

The same principle applies to the use of contraception in marriage. We are dealing with the misunderstanding of the sexual act. It is not true love. Contraception in marriage is arguably worse because the couple has permanently vowed, in front of God and the world, to love each other completely. 

When they use contraception, they merely desire to use the other person as a means to an end. The other is a tool for self-gratification and a way to gain pleasure. By its nature, sex creates new life. When a couple decides to strip the nature of sex, it has a ripple effect on their relationship. Other areas of life fall prey to what the individual spouse wants rather than what is good for them as a unit.

When sacrifice is given in the bedroom, it makes sacrificial love easier and more purifying outside of the bedroom. The opposite is also the case. When the love of your life, whom you vowed to care for exclusively and completely until death, becomes an object of use, then the way one treats strangers and acquaintances will follow suit. 

Abstaining is good for marriage. Using Natural Family Planning, which tracks a woman’s cycle to zone in on the few days that she is fertile, allows the husband and wife to plan with God. Every instance of sexual embrace becomes an opportunity to create with God and be open to His plan. That makes sex more beautiful than it is using contraception. Contraceptives speak a language into the sexual act that place a lid on the beautiful impact of sex. Without contraceptives, the act does what it is meant to do and remains open to creating life.

The power of the act is so great that it can unify individuals even when the act is over. Its power is also seen in the fact that it can result in a new person—a walking and living person that highlights the amazing nature of the act and shows that love cannot be contained. It always overflows into more and more love. 

Abstaining also breeds respect, tenderness, and dialogue. Couples will talk more and be more invested in the life of their spouse. The rising rate in divorce coincides with the normalized use of contraception. Isn’t it possible that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between the two? 

Contraception makes objects out of everyone involved. Furthermore, it breeds the mentality that children are an annoyance when they’re conceived. The avoidance of sacrifice in the sexual life leads to an avoidance of sacrifice in the parental life of adults. 

But there is another way.

What if we could lead lives that were ruled by the law of self-gift? Where love is embraced for its true nature and purpose. Where life is welcomed with open arms and sacrificial love. The case against contraception shows that if we desire such a future, we must relinquish the notion that we have to control when new life occurs. Doing so will bring a springtide of renewal into the lives of marriages and result in a world more willing to sacrifice completely and love fully. 

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