Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Justin demands>>>Harper understood abortion is a matter of conscience - why doesn’t Justin?

Justin demands pro-life Liberals put their souls on the line; what does that say about those who do?

I say I believe it but what I mean is that I know it to be true, ethically, medically and spiritually.

We never really knew how Stephen Harper felt on the subject
personally. He never proclaimed anything the way I just did. But as a man of principle, he realized that abortion is a matter of conscience. Stephen Harper understood that for many people, people like me, being pro-life is a matter of our very salvation. 

Asking us to be pro-choice is like asking us to literally sell our soul. So when the issue of opening up a debate about when life begins arose, Stephen Harper did not whip the vote. How could he ask anyone to put their soul on the line for the party?

But that’s what Justin Trudeau is doing. He insisted all of his MPs be pro-choice. Trudeau made being pro-choice a condition
for being given the green light to run as a Liberal party candidate. He really did. I'm not a theologian but I am a lifelong Catholic.

Trudeau's position is a strange one for a man who presents himself as publicly Catholic and moreover it's totalitarian. How could anyone demand that a person of faith choose the Liberal party over their own moral convictions?

We know that some pro-lifers exist in the Liberal party. At their
2012 convention, 90% of the Liberal party membership reaffirmed their pro-choice stance. That’s a lot but it's far from unanimous. 

What about those pro-lifers who'd fold up their morality cards in the hopes that they'd be given a shot to sit in the green chairs in the House of Commons? What does that say about the kind of ethics of those people? Itsays they believe in the right to life up until it interferes with their personal desires to hold power. 

That bothers me.

This is the Christmas season. It’s a holy time for people like me when an unplanned child came to offer salvation for mankind.

And for the non religious, an unplanned child gave you a secular holiday to exchange gifts with loved ones.

See the value in the unexpected.

584 bothered to VOTE out of 3200 attendees and 92% voted in favor and 8% voted against..

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Some info on the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Some info on the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe...

'There is no explanation offered by NASA scientists on how the image was imprinted on the Tilma.

 There are no brush strokes, or sketch marks on it. The image also seems to increase in size and change colors owing to an unknown property of the surface and substance of which it is made. The colors actually float above the surface of the Tilma at a distance of 3/10th of a millimeter (1/100th of an inch), without touching it. When examined less than 10 inches of the image, one can only see the maguey cloth; the colors totally disappear.

In 1936, biochemist Richard Kuhn, a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, analyzed a sample of the fabric and ascertained that the pigments used were from no known source; whether natural, animal, mineral, or vegetable.

On May 7, 1979, Americans Dr. Philip Serna Callahan, a biophysicist at the University of Florida and an expert in infrared photography, and Jody B. Smith, a professor of aesthetics and philosophy at the College Pensacola, who are both specializing in painting and members of NASA, photographed the image under infrared light and scanned at very high resolutions.

After filtering and processing the digitized images to eliminate "noise" and enhance them, they discovered that portions of the face, hands, robe, and mantle had been painted in one step, with no sketches, or corrections, and no visible brush strokes or sizing used to render the surface smooth, no protective varnish covering the image to protect its surface.

The Image changes in color slightly according to the angle of viewing, a phenomenon known as "Iridescence", a technique that cannot be reproduced with human hands. Scientists were unable to find any trace of paint residue or dye of any sort on the Image and yet the the colors maintain their luminosity and brilliance.

What produced the colors on Juan Diego's cloak or how they were applied remains a total mystery of science. The quality of the pigments used for the pink dress, the blue veil, the face and the hands, or the permanence of the colors, or the vividness of the colors after several centuries, during which they ordinarily should have deteriorated, defy all scientific reasoning.

The Image still retains its original colors, despite being unprotected by any covering during the first 100 years of exposure.

The bluish-green color of Our Lady's mantle is unique. It seems to be made of an unearthly shade that as yet no artist has been able exactly to duplicate.

 Moreover, scientists argued that a painter would be incredibly foolish to choose an Indian's tilma to work on and even more to paint right over the center seam of the cloak. And had the Virgin not turned ever so slightly to the right, the stitch would have divided her face. Just as astonishing is the fact that only the seam still holds the Tilma together.

The law of gravity does not allow a single flimsy cotton thread to bind two heavier materials of cloth for more than ten years, much less four hundred and fifty. In addition, the coarse weave of the Tilma was utilized in such a precise manner as to give depth to the face of the Image.

According to the specialists of Kodak Corporation in Mexico, the Image is smooth and bears more resemblance to a color photograph than anything else. The Image has consistently defied exact reproduction, whether by brush or camera.

All who have scientifically examined the image of Our Lady over the centuries confess that its properties are absolutely unique and so inexplicable in human terms that the image can only be supernatural:

Our Lady's height in the Image measures four feet eight inches tall, from head to toe, and is represented as a young woman of 18 to 20 year old. The face is that of a "mestiza" - a mixture of Spanish and Indians race brought about by intermarriage.

Callahan and Smith further discovered that the Tilma maintains a constant temperature of 36.6º to 37º, (98.6 Fahrenheit) the same as the body of a living person.

Carlos Fernandez del Castillo, a gynecologist, examined the image and has determined that the gynecological measurements of Our Lady's physical dimensions indicated a woman who is pregnant entirely consistent with the stage of pregnancy on December 9th for Jesus birth to occur on Christmas day.

A stethoscope was placed below the black band at the waist of Our Lady (a sign that she is pregnant) and heard rhythmic repeating heartbeats at 115 beats per minute, the same as that of a baby in the maternal womb.

On December 22, 1981, at the Observatory Laplace Mexico City, Father Mario Rojas and Dr. Juan Hernández Illescas, a medical doctor and amateur astronomer, performed an astronomical study of the Image and analyzed the stellar arrangement that appear in the Mantle of Our Lady.

They surprisingly discovered that the stars stunningly and accurately map out the various constellations of the Mexican sky.

Even more remarkable is the "star map" on the mantle is in the reverse (the cardinal axis rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise): providing a view of the constellations from beyond them, as would be seen looking through them towards the earth.

The constellations are consistent with what astronomers believe was in the sky above Mexico City on the day the apparition occurred - in the winter-morning solstice of December 12, 1531, Saturday, at 10:26AM.

Our Lady's cloak has 46 stars: 22 on her right side, and 24 on her left side. These 46 stars are the most brilliant stars that surround the horizon of the Mexican Valley which have been identified.

 The main constellations of the Northern sky can be seen on the right of the mantle. On the left, the Southern ones which can be seen from the Tepeyac in winter at dawn. The East is situated in the upper part and the West in the lower part. The Mantle is opened and there are other groups of stars which are not marked in the Image, but they are present in the sky.

The Boreal Crown is located above the Virgin's head; Virgo is on her chest, in the region of her hands. Leo on Her womb, precisely above the sign of Nahui Ollin, with his main star Regulo, the small king. Gemini, the twins, is found in the region of the knees and Orion is located where the Angel is.

It has also been found that by imposing a topographical map of central Mexico on the Our Lady's dress, the mountains, rivers, and principal lakes coincide with the decoration on the dress.'~

Monday, December 7, 2015

My son found the photo album of my pregnancy with him: his response brought tears to my eyes

My son found the photo album of my pregnancy with him: his response brought tears to my eyes

Melanie Pritchard 2605
I came into my seven-year-old son’s room and discovered his dangerous approach to reaching something on a high shelf. He had placed a stool next to a taller wobbly stool to build a ladder to reach an item that caught his eye. When I came in, I asked what he was trying to get and he pointed to a baby blue photo album. 

He said, “Mom, what is that?” I pulled the oversized book down. For years I dreamt of how this conversation would go and what it would be like to share what is in that photo album with him. I wasn’t sure when he would be at the right age, so it has sat on that shelf for many years. Now was as good a time as any. He was curious.

Priceless. I never could have imagined when I first started those letters that this would be his response. It was a moment to remember.

Rewind to before I was married. I came up with an idea that I hoped, if used with my own children, would leave no doubt that they were loved every minute of their lives and also see the incredible beauty that lies within the womb, the beauty that is human life. Before I even had children, I was thinking of strategies to help them have a deep-rooted respect and appreciation for human life at all stages.

We went to Maui for our honeymoon and brought back the greatest gift, a newly conceived child. My husband Doug always shares with people that he never knew his wife as solely a wife, but always a mother too, right from the start. Upon finding out we were expecting, I began to put the wheels in motion for how I would demonstrate and teach my children about the dignity of life.  The photo album would become the vehicle by which I would do this.
I took pictures all the way through my pregnancy detailing the growth of my belly. I also kept all the ultrasound images and placed the photos and ultrasound images in the album my son had found. Many women do that, but this book contains something extra special. My husband and I took turns writing our children a letter every month they were in the womb, which accompanied the pictures.  

In month one, we wrote two letters addressed, “Dear Baby.” The first one I wrote shared the details of the excitement we felt when we found out I was pregnant. I ended the letter by writing to my unborn child, “We are getting ready for bed and we are still excited, yet nervous and a little scared of what’s ahead, but we trust in the Lord.”

My husband wrote the next letter, where he told our son about all the people we let know about our exciting news and their beautiful responses. One friend said, referencing the fact that we were pregnant after being married a few weeks, “God must have a lot of trust in you both.” These were words that comforted us in our new-found parenthood. I had forgotten he said that until I read the letters again recently.

Every month we detailed the way I felt as our baby grew, along with how he was being formed; like when we heard his heart beat for the first time, and when I felt his first kick, or experienced his first hiccups. We included Scripture verses from Genesis and Psalm 139: “God is forming you in his image and likeness. He is knitting you in my womb and wonderfully and fearfully making you.”
We poured our love on those handwritten pages.
When I pulled the photo album down off the shelf, my son and I opened it. He requested I read each letter, but we had somewhere to be, so I told him we would have to do it later. Time passed and we forgot to look at the album again, so it sat on his floor.

The next day, I sent him to his room to discipline him for something. He found his album and looked through the pictures during his quiet time in there. When he came back out of his room, he brought the album and showed his dad and excitedly asked Doug to read the letters. 

I was in the other room attending to Ella and nearly stopped them from going through book since I wanted to be a part of this special moment. Instead, I heard Doug begin to read the words written on those pages and I decided this could just be a special moment between father and son.

Time had passed, and I was in another room and my mind was on something else. Brady, my son, came to find me. He had this endearing smile on his face and threw himself at me and hugged me big. 

He said, “You’re the best mom ever.” Because my mind was on to something else, I had to stop and think why he was saying this. The last encounter I had with him was sending him to his room, so I had to think hard, asking myself, “What inspired him to be so kind?”
Then I remembered his father reading him the letters. I said, “Did you like the album we made for you?” He replied with the most heartfelt statement of joy and belief: “You loved me before I was born.” He smiled from ear to ear. I replied holding back tears, “Oh yes son, you were loved every second of your life from the moment of your conception.”

We hugged again.
Priceless. I never could have imagined when I first started those letters that this would be his response. It was a moment to remember. Now that he has the book, it will always be a reminder to him about how special he was from the moment he was conceived and every month thereafter. 

It will also be a personal book we use to show him the evidence of the humanity of the unborn using his own ultrasounds and 4D ultrasound imaging. We hope this will sit deep in his heart and that he will also become a defender of the unborn and he too will fight for the dignity all children deserve.

I share this in hopes it will give new parents a powerful idea for how to one day help their own children discover and value life at all stages through their child’s own personal encounter with their life story

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Paris and the Pill The True Story..that makes the Most sense ..

Bloggers note: The WEST's 40 years abortion Policy (began with PapaTrudeau) made all this possible .... here is one explanation ....
There is NO escape we will pay dearly for our ac-qui-es-cence ...4 million of our children were REJECTS and killed by abortion ..and now NOW BabyTrudeau want to see that continue...
MR Trudeau will oversee 50 Thousand abortion (on his watch)before the May 12,2016 ..and 400,000 refugees ( he already REJECTS)from their mother womb in his 4 year mandate .....WILL HE CHANGE .. I PRAY


As authorities sift through the rubble and bodies in Paris, many questions which need to be asked directly involving the attacks are being asked. But some questions are not being asked.

For example, is there something wrong with the thinking and actions, the attitudes ,on the part of western societies that might have contributed to this horror?

 This is not a "blame us" examination which the progressive elitist crowd always seems to trot out — you know, the "It's our fault in the West because we have done such horrible things in the Middle East and should feel guilty" mindset, the logic there being: "We did it to ourselves because of our greed" — the same stuff that came flying out of the mouths of crazy liberals in America in the aftermath of 9-11, and like the idiotic liberal publication Salon did over the weekend. 

 No. This report is definitely not of that variety. But something does seriously have to be looked at regarding how Western societies live. Many of these types of killers come into Western nations, cross the borders, as part of a kind of open-door policy because Western nations need to shore up their flagging numbers. 

Their numbers are flagging because of low birth rates due to the widespread acceptance of contraception and abortion. 

The same thing is happening here in the United States and still happens today. Sixty million Americans are not here today because the culture approved of their murders in the womb — many of them because the contraception failed. 

Who knows how many more tens of millions are not here because the contraception worked? A shrinking population — as is the case with various nations in Europe — actual declining numbers, as in, for example, next year there will be fewer Italians on the planet born in Italy then this year. Same in Greece and France and Spain and Portugal and Germany.

Shrinking populations like that mean governments have to step in and do something before the economic chaos sets in. Many of them have. Various European countries, led by Germany, are growing more desperate about the soon-to-be-felt fallout from their aging and shrinking native populations.

 So they have instituted a variety of laws actually paying for women and/or families to have children in the form of cash payouts, tax rebates and so forth. Part of their bag of tricks has also been to open up the borders and liberalize their immigration policies in an effort to stem the demographic winter so closely approaching.

France, for example, now boasts the largest Muslim population in all of Europe, and 20 percent of immigrants to the country each year come from countries with predominant Muslim populations. Germany, too, sees indications that pockets of Muslim immigrants — or the sons of Muslim immigrants, who, like in France, have not assimilated — also pose a threat to peace and security.

Regardless of the reasons of these increased numbers of violent scenes in London, Madrid, Paris, Germany and threats in Rome, immigration policies cannot be discounted as a precipitating factor. And the immigration policies were put in place because the Pill had become accepted. 

In the rush to have no restrictions on sexual license and no consequence for unintended pregnancies, Western societies forgot that there are consequences for unbridled sexual liaisons, particularly on such a huge scale as the cultures accepted and practiced it.

A wise old seminary professor once said something I've never forgotten. Monsignor William Smith — God rest his soul — of St. Joseph's Seminary in New York once said, "God is forgiving, but nature isn't." The West happily accepted and advanced contraception and child murder as standard and has become awash, drowning in sexual immorality. 

This has resulted in a precipitous decline of the population and a now-dire threat to economic stability. To shore themselves up and avert such a demographic and economic disaster, these nations have thrown open their borders and invited in immigrants, some of whom are rightfully disgusted and repulsed by the sexual liberty that rules the day. 

Many of these immigrants directly or indirectly — and as we see, it doesn't take many — feel perfectly fine about killing at will and creating mayhem in a culture they have no intention of assimilating into — quite the opposite; they are spurred on by terrorists in their ranks who inspire them to remain outside the culture of the Great Satan and overrun from within, by whatever means works the best — including mass homicide.

Anyone who thinks this kind of evil is going to lessen doesn't understand the world situation. Christ will reign on the earth, either by His presence shown forth by His peace, or by His absence shown forth in chaos. Until the world comes to embrace God and bow under His mighty and loving hand and live by His decrees, men will continue to think that they have all the answers and can solve every problem — and the folly of man will be clear for all to see.

Let us pray for not only the souls of the dead in Paris, but most especially for the souls of nations and peoples everywhere. There is no peace without God — and God cannot co-exist with sin enshrined as law.

It is God's law or man's law. Just as in eternity there is no middle ground, so in the lead-up to eternity on this earth, there is no middle ground.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Tiny Miracles intensive care SURPRISED


(pleasant piano music)
- The NICU is an intensive care,
which means that our babies are very critical,
and we don't know if they're gonna even make it through
a shift.
These parents, they don't get to take their babies home.
I feel like if I treat the babies like I would want somebody
to treat my baby when I'm not there,
that's the most important thing.
I do keep in touch with families once they've gone home,
It's so rewarding to see how they're progressing,
babies that you thought would never even
make it out of here, and just knowing you had a part of that
is just a wonderful feeling.
- [Voiceover] Let's have you sit down here.
- [Renee] Okay
- [Voiceover] Press that arrow right there. There you go.
- Oh!
- [Voiceover] Renee was there the moment my son was born,
the first time that he opened both of his eyes
she took the picture to capture it.
- [Voiceover] I was completely freaked out,
Renee calmed me down, she talked me through everything.
- She was the first person that let me hold my daughter.
- She asked, you know, do you want to hold him?
None of the other nurses have allowed it.
This is the first time that I got to hold him,
and caress him.
- [Voiceover] She loved my child as her own child.
- Renee saved my son's life, multiple times.
- [Voiceover] Renee, I want to thank you so much.
- You are our hero.
- There are not enough words to thank you for
all you have done.
- [Voiceover] Thank you so much for everything
that you did for Presley.
- [Renee] Thank you.
Are you kidding me?
- [All] Thank you, Renee!
- All my babies!
- [Renee] What just happened here was crazy.
All my favorite people in one room!
I love taking care of these babies.
I don't do what I do for any kind of thank you,
but it's a wonderful feeling to be appreciated.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

TORONTO CATHOLIC WITNESS: Archbishop Henryk Hoser's address to the Synod: Ab...

TORONTO CATHOLIC WITNESS: Archbishop Henryk Hoser's address to the Synod: Ab...
His Grace, Archbishop Henryk Hoser of Warszawa-Praga The Catholic bishops of Poland have been distinguishing themselves at the Synod of...

Archbishop Henryk Hoser's address to the Synod: Abortion and contraception are the greatest causes of the destruction of the family

His Grace, Archbishop Henryk Hoser of Warszawa-Praga
The Catholic bishops of Poland have been distinguishing themselves at the Synod of the Family. Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki's address was a doctrinal rebuttal of those in favour of giving Holy Communion to the divorced and civily "remarried" -  to adulterers. Archbishop Henryk Hoser's address given on Saturday October 10th, 2015 in the Synod aula focused on life issues: on abortion, contraception and the failure of the Instrumentum Laboris to adequately address theses issues, and to appreciate and use the magisterial teachings of Bl. Paul VI's Humanae Vitae. 

(Toronto Catholic Witness
provides a full translation of his address. If you re-publish, you must credit us)

Holy Father, Your Eminences, Your Excellencies,

One very important issue is only briefly mentioned in the Synod's Instrument Laboris, yet the issue of fertility within marriage is a very complex reality that is associated with human sexuality since the creation of the world. Rightly the document underscored the need to "discover the message of Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul VI" and "its wealth and wisdom", however, in reality, there was no development of this subject. Published in 1968, it was badly received, rejected and relativized by the clergy, and then consequently by the faithful. This truly prophetic encyclical began the post-conciliar crisis, which resulted in a systematic questioning of the teaching Magisterium of the Church.

Yet the encyclical came from an integral vision of the human person, the person's spiritual and physical dimensions. It predicted the consequences of the separation of sexuality and human fertility, which today has become even more more radical, as a consequence of the increasingly widespread use of contraception. We read: "the adoption of measures and methods of artificial birth control to limit [...] open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. [...] Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection. Finally, careful consideration should be given to the danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law. [...] It would allow state authorities to intervene in the most personal and intimate responsibility of the spouses" (Humanae Vitae, 17). These predictions, unfortunately, in most cases came true.

Contraception and the related issue of abortion have not been given sufficient attention and highlighted enough. Meanwhile, it is one of the greatest problems that destabilizes the unity of marriage and the family. Human fertility - that gives reality to the person - is systematically abused and destroyed, leading eventually to the breakdown of marriages. The proper and important alternative is knowledge of fertility (fertility awareness) and the ability to use it in accordance with the requirements of responsible parenthood. The so-called international community spends $ 8.1 billion USD on contraceptive programs in 69 of the least developed nations. Yet in return, very few organizations promote the so-called natural methods of discerning the fertility cycle. The African Federation of Family Action (Fédération Africaine de l'Action Familiale), the European Institute of Family Education (Institut Europeen d'Education Familial) - survive thanks to the drops of financial aid from a few benefactors who understand the matter, such as Aid to the Church in Need. 

Pope John Paul II left us pervading and true analysis of anthropological differences, as well as the moral differences that exist between contraception and the use of the fertility method. "In the light of the experience of many couples and of the data provided by the different human sciences, theological reflection is able to perceive and is called to study further the difference, both anthropological and moral, between contraception and recourse to the rhythm of the cycle: it is a difference which is much wider and deeper than is usually thought, one which involves in the final analysis two irreconcilable concepts of the human person and of human sexuality. The choice of the natural rhythms involves accepting the cycle of the person, that is the woman, and thereby accepting dialogue, reciprocal respect, shared responsibility and self- control. To accept the cycle and to enter into dialogue means to recognize both the spiritual and corporal character of conjugal communion and to live personal love with its requirement of fidelity. In this context the couple comes to experience how conjugal communion is enriched with those values of tenderness and affection which constitute the inner soul of human sexuality, in its physical dimension also. In this way sexuality is respected and promoted in its truly and fully human dimension, and is never "used" as an "object" that, by breaking the personal unity of soul and body, strikes at God's creation itself at the level of the deepest interaction of nature and person". (Familiaris Consortio 32). 

This is a magisterial presentation that people of good will must seek to understand. May wisdom accompany us always and everywhere!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

We Need a Law Centre Block Press Conference Sept 28

morning my name is Mike shooting and I'm the director for we need a long dot ca
we are a public awareness campaign with a mission to build support for laws that
protect pre-born children in the womb this is Michelle Myers she'll be
offering it for you
few remarks when I conclude mine good morning today canada is one of only
three countries in the world with no legal protection for children in the
womb we initiated life to her during the current election campaign because Canada
needs to begin taking steps to protect the smallest members of the human family
with 20 events from Halifax to Vancouver life to her seeks to ensure that
Canada's leaders face the injustice being committed against 100,000 of our
pre-born neighbors every single year we are proposing three sensible laws that
would begin to regulate abortion the first is a late term abortion law which
would prohibit abortions in the latter stages of pregnancy and after the point
in which a pre-born child can survive outside of the womb when the Supreme
Court of Canada struck down Canada's existing abortion regulations in 1988
they did not envision a legal void surrounding pre-born human rights has
lasted now for almost three decades one of the primary reasons for this extended
legal void is that shrill voices from a minority of Canadians have paralyzed
political leaders to the point where Canada is completely out of step with
every other democracy that abortions are legal even after a fetus has become
viable and can survive outside of the womb a majority of Canadians are not
comfortable with this status quo and support measures that would restrict
abortion and protect children in the world after a certain stage of gestation
the 2nd law that we are calling upon a newly constructed government to pass
concerns the very serious issue of sex-selective abortion
Canadian Medical Association Journal study published in 2012 concluded that
and I quote after reviewing all registered singleton live births in
Ontario between 2002 and 2007 we found a significantly higher male to female
ratio among infants of multiparous women originally born in India then among
infants of multiparous women born in Canada in other words female babies are
aborted at a much higher rate than male babies in fact in June 2012 CBC reported
that these very things are happening in Canada and it is our hope that a new
Parliament will take a bold stand by acting swiftly to address this serious
injustice in our country the third provision we are calling upon our
elected lawmakers to pass does not even concern the issue of abortion rather if
passed it would see justice for pre-born victims of crime Michelle Meyer will now
offer some remarks on white Canada needs to pass a law that recognizes the
preborn child as a second victim when a crime is committed against a pregnant
good morning my name is Michelle in here i've lived in Ottawa for the past four
years now is born and raised in Windsor Ontario I'm here on behalf of my friend
Cassie cake and her family on December 11 2014 my life changed forever
received a phone call informing me of informing me that my best friend of 26
years had died I was paralyzed with emotion I felt any pain and confusion at
that moment I was barely able to ask what about the baby we were both gone
and I completely lost she was seven months pregnant at the time of her death
at this news wasn't horrible enough a few days later we found out the reality
of the situation they had been murdered kathy was deserving grateful and
grateful to be having a baby she was confident thoughtful and caring and
above all she loved to laugh attribute she would have passed along to her
daughter Molly it was apparent and Cassie anomalies funeral that their
death a great loss on so many people how could this have happened to them when
they're in the surrounding area have been deeply affected by this tragedy a
permanent scar has been left on her place of work or community family and
friends when kathy was murdered her daughter was not recognized as a human
being under Canadian criminal law only because she had not yet
exited her mother's womb as a result of this legal shortcoming no murder charge
will ever be laid against the person who viciously took mollys life
unfortunately Cassie and Molly story is one of many something needs to change
Molly matters campaign was created to bring awareness to this injustice to
different prints petitions were created under the same name and signatures are
being collected in communities across Canada we're very optimistic such a lot
could be passed in fact some years ago it nearly did in 2007 and Minton
you can introduce bill the 8448 for the bill was called the unborn victims of
crime act mister passed second reading and parliament but failed to become law
because election was called in the fall of 2008 however his bill had cross-party
support and they're still majority support for it today the reality is when
a pregnant woman is attacked and her silent killed or causes harm to her
pre-born child no charge can ever be laid in that child this is fundamentally
wrong this legislative Boyd allows further victimization of women and their
allow me to be very clear abortion is legal in Canada through the entire nine
months of pregnancy for any reason
pre-born victims law does nothing to change this
pre-born victims bill modeled after the OC 4841 not criminalize abortion and
cannot be interpreted as Parliament restricting a woman's right to choose to
have an abortion
a lot of protecting pre-born victims of crime it's sensible this is a step in
the right direction and supported by the majority of Canadians from across the
political spectrum in a few weeks Canada will have a new government we are
calling upon all members of parliament to do everything they can to act quickly
in implementing protections for children in the womb and we respectfully mr.
Harper mister moakley more care and mr. Trudeau to start treating pre-born
children as if they are just a political liability
thank you
my life to her is sponsored by we need a la nazione that is the group name we
need a lot so I am I the director of that campaign of this it's i mean NDP
and Liberals will it be indicated that it don't want to restrict abortion like
you and you ring a bell to hear you're just hoping to conservative our mission
is to build support amongst Canadians so that there is such a groundswell that
any government will need to act on this issue
historically governments have always taken positions on things and when
support bills for a change in law and public policy is strong enough for a
change public opinion is stronger for a change in public policy and then
governments for the most part are obliged to act so we are simply building
support and we are conducting life to her during this election campaign
because we want candidates who are running for any party to be on notice
that they will be called upon to act quickly when elected choose a min
between the three party line might be a little more suitable to be clear our
campaign is strictly non partisan there's people who are projecting any
government we don't know at this point but we had no specific reference our
goal is to build support amongst Canadians and it doesn't matter who is
in power at the time when there is enough of a call to action from Canadian
people the government will act like you

aslo see

Family of murdered pregnant woman from Windsor, ON joins call for protection for pre-born human rights. 

fbook-1As politicians campaign for votes, a group of young Canadians is travelling the country attempting to build support for legal protections for children in the womb. And they are attracting support from Canadians across the political spectrum. 
With over twenty events from Halifax to Vancouver, lifeTOUR seeks to ensure that Canada’s leaders face the injustice committed against 100,000 Canadians every single year.

Michelle Lemire, a pro-choice spokesperson for the Molly Matters campaign spoke at a press conference with LifeTOUR this morning in Ottawa. Her best friend, Cassandra Kaake, was seven months pregnant with her daughter Molly when she was brutally murdered in Windsor Ontario, last December. 

“On December 11th, 2014 my life changed forever. I received a phone call informing me that my best friend of 26 years, Cassie Kaake, had died. I was paralyzed with emotion,” said Ms. Lemire. 
“Windsor and the surrounding area have been deeply affected by this tragedy.

A permanent scar has been left on her place of work, community and her family and friends,” continued Lemire. 

This is not the first time there have been calls for a pre-born victims of crime law. In 2007 Edmonton MP Ken Epp introduced Bill C-484. The bill was called the Unborn Victims of Crime Act.

Mr. Epp’s bill passed Second Reading in Parliament but it failed to become law because an election was called in the fall of 2008.
Lemire concluded her remarks by saying, “Allow me to be very clear. Abortion is legal in Canada throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy for any reason. A pre-born victim’s law does nothing to change this.

A pre-born victim’s bill modeled after Bill C-484 would not criminalize abortion and could not be interpreted as Parliament restricting a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion.”
Mike Schouten of also spoke at the press conference. “Canada desperately needs a late-term abortion law which would prohibit abortion in the latter stages of pregnancy, and after the point in which the pre-born child can survive outside of the womb," Schouten said.

The issue of sex-selective abortion is also being raised at each lifeTOUR presentation.

“The reality that Canada is one of only a handful of countries that allows such violent discrimination against pre-born females – simply because they are girls – is deplorable,” Schouten said. “A new government needs to take immediate steps to address this serious injustice.”