Monday, March 3, 2014

10 Mind-Blowing Photos Of Human Life Developing In The Womb

Posted: March 2, 2014 9:47 AM EST

Life before birth is fascinating and these images are proof of just that.

1. At just 4 days after fertilization…

1 Source:
Since fertilization, that zygote has possessed a predetermined sex (this one is a girl!) and her own unique set of human DNA. Her DNA will guide her body’s development over the next nine months (and its entire lifetime).

2. At just 5-6 weeks of gestation…

2 Source:
Despite being only a quarter of an inch long, her nose, mouth, and ears are already taking shape. Her heart is beating about 100 times a minute (almost twice as fast as yours) and blood is beginning to circulate through her body. Brain waves have been detectable for at least 2-3 weeks already!

4. At about 10 weeks…

All of her major body functions are up and running: the kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are all working. Her tiny arms and legs can already start to flex.

5. At 12 weeks…

5 Source:
Her muscles are beginning to bulk up, so she’s busily stretching and kicking. If you put your hand on your tummy, she’ll likely wiggle in response because her reflexes are starting to develop, although you won’t feel it yet.

8. At 6 months gestation…

8 Source: hospicepatients.orgThe baby can now respond to external sounds by moving and increasing the pulse. A mother may notice jerking motions if the baby hiccups!

10. At around 8 months gestation…

10 Source:
This baby can hear and is beginning to recognize her mother’s voice. Her skin is pink and she already is beginning to get that cute, chunky appearance that newborns have. That extra fat is very important, because it allows the baby to regulate her temperature after birth.
Hard to believe all of us evolved from just a tiny clump of cells into the beautiful creatures we are now. Childbirth is truly one of the most miraculous events in nature.

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